Day 16: Fashion fades but style remains

Day 17: Music on shuffle

Day 17: Put your music on shuffle & list the first 10 songs playing
  1. New Boyz – FMS
  2. Justin Bieber – Christmas Love
  3. Mindless Behavior – Keep Her On The Low
  4. Nizlopi – All My Life
  5. Chris Brown – Don’t Judge Me
  6. Kate Bush – This Womans Work
  7. McFly – I’ve Got You
  8. Rihanna – Man Down
  9. Luther Vandross – Dance With My Father
  10. K’naan – Take A Minute

Well that was fun to try, I have over 1000 songs on my iPhone so there’s a lot of old and new songs.

– Serendipity xx

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Day 16: Fashion fades but style remains