Pretty Little Liars

Day 8: My favorite musician

Day 8: Your favorite musician and why?

I think people call him the King Of Pop?


He is without a doubt my absolute favorite musician ever. I’ve been a fan of this man for 18 years, yup my whole life. I grew up with him, he was my childhood, my earliest memory was at two years old watching him perform live on tv, at the history concert he held in Copenhagen. If I should explain why I love him so much, it could take forever, so now I just express why I love him as a musician, and take the personal part another day.

Michael Jackson is my all time favorite artist/musician. Even though I have spent the last 18 years watching all the concerts, videos and hearing all his songs, I can still be wow’ed today, like that just the effect he has on people. I am still speechless at his performances, i’ve never seen a person having this much talent. Michael is and will forever be the king of pop, he sold over 900 million albums worldwide, every 6th person you meet has an MJ album that is totally incredible. He had the biggest fan base, which no one today can ever reach, old, young, men, women, black, white everyone loved Michael and still today do. I cannot begin to describe all the things he has achieved, biggest selling album, the title of king of pop, rock and soul, the greatest humanitarian, biggest audience ever with 134 million viewers on super bowl half-time, largest concert tour, won more awards than any other artist and supported most charities than any other artist. The list goes on and on, it is just so show how much the man has achieved in only 46 years of his career.

The way he write songs and produce the music is just incredible, I have never seen a man so dedicated to his music like that, it is sad to see today’s artists not being the music business for music, all they want is fame and the money other wise this thing called auto-tune would not be used that much. Most of Michael’s music is made by himself, he is a human beatbox, for example the heart beat in the beginning of smooth criminal is in fact his own, he has beat boxed to songs such as Who Is It, Tabloid Junkie, Stranger In Moscow etc. And when he records the song, he doesn’t just stand at the studio like a doll and let the auto-tune do all the work, he actually do everything to get him in the mood of the song, and he gives 110 % for every recording, he have a way of living into the song and he does not sing the song if he don’t mean it. Not only to mention he wrote the song Billie Jean in only 3 minutes, the talent just floods out of him. I am so fascinated about the whole thing, never seen a person actually that talented as he is. At his concerts one were not experiencing like todays concerts, but an experience for life, a Michael Jackson concert is not like any other, they were at a level for it self.

Why do I like him? because he is original, beyond talented and just mind blowing. I feel like in the music industry there is Michael Jackson and then there’s everybody else. The whole world probably agree’s with me, when I say that Michaels talent and achievements is a class for itself and it is unreachable.

I could seriously go on and on, but i’m just going to stop it there. Choosing a favorite song is difficult therefore i’m just choosing some songs I feel like were underrated.





Are you a fan of Michael? Tell me about it in the comment below

– Serendipity

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